Climate Sensitive Design of Public Spaces in Healthy Cities


  • Seyran Büşra Gök Atatürk Üniversitesi
  • Süleyman Toy Atatürk Üniversitesi
  • Furkan Öztürk Atatürk Üniversitesi


Urban space, public space, climate, responsive planning


The first city settlements in the world began to form their cores in the neolithic age. These cores, which form the core of urban spaces, have dispersed to different regions over time, synthesizing the unique geography, climate and natural elements of each region, and the morphological structure with human factors, creating urban spaces with different identity and character. Undoubtedly, the entire organization of urban spaces is shaped around the needs of people. Unfortunately, not every need can be shaped as desired because; The biggest obstacle to human needs is the fate brought by geography. All conditions brought along by geography (climate, topography, water surfaces, etc.) shape urban spaces in different forms. All the urban spaces that are shaped should be built in order for people to experience a healthier, more comfortable and quality place and to benefit from this experience at the maximum level. Within the scope of social organization, urban spaces connect the social, cultural and economic activities of people with different dynamics. With the activities of vital dialectics, it is physically reflected in the space in different functions within its own characteristic dynamics.


It is undoubtedly the urban public spaces that create the culture, social life and quality of life of a society in the most distinct physical context, where the entire character and spirit of the society emerges through the experience of spatial practice by people. Public spaces, which are the mirrors of society, undoubtedly have a great importance in the planning discipline. Because; The planning discipline and all branches of science within this discipline aim to serve the public, the humanitarian, and to design this service by considering all the parameters of the city. Considering the importance of public spaces for both the city and the social structure of the city, every city should have a structure with its identity and character. This character can only emerge if it is designed in accordance with the city's climate, culture and geographical conditions.


The aim of this study is to focus on the design of urban public spaces in a sensitive way to climate parameters. In this context, by evaluating the parameters that affect the climate change of the public spaces designed, positive and negative city examples will be presented, and inferences will be made in order to design the public spaces in a climate-sensitive manner.



Keywords: Urban space, public space, climate, responsive planning



