İleri Yaşta Pandemi / Pandemic in Aging


  • Şule OLGUN suleolgun




The Covid-19 virus epidemic, which emerged in Wuhan, China, towards the end of 2019 and spread all over the world in a short time, was declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The Covid-19 virus epidemic, which affects all humanity, children, young, old, female and male, is a very new and open subject to research. Covid-19, which is highly contagious, causes relatively high mortality rates, especially in aging populations. It is also necessary to investigate how to make it possible for elderly individuals to recover without any pathology in the long term, together with the risks of getting Covid-19. The death rate of older Covid-19 patients is higher worldwide than younger patients. Of course, it is known that the high rate of chronic diseases in the elderly and the more vulnerable immune system have an effect on this. In the long run, we need to move from investing in disease-specific research first to simultaneously targeting adequate resources to decoding the human immune system, especially for the world's most vulnerable population. But such an effort could accelerate the development of new vaccines, diagnoses and treatments, and of course, this is necessary not only for Covid-19, but also for future pathogens and major global epidemics. In this article, which was compiled based on the literature information, the disadvantages of the elderly people, who are the population most affected by Covid-19, in the pandemic process we are in and the measures that can be taken for this are discussed.





Literature Review