About the Journal

City Health Journal is an international, peer reviewed and open-access scientific publication for the academical papers on the fields of city health and public health to be published.

City Health Journal aims to bring together the parties dealing in the fields of city and health on a joint platform. The Journal shall be an academical journal including the scientific studies, researches and analyses conducted for developing the health and wellbeing of the people living in cities. This international journal shall provide contribution to strengthening the governance among the parties included in the making and implementation of policies in regards to the topic of city health and health environment. It shall be a journal as a reference source for the decision support mechanisms on the topics of formation of health cities.

City Health Journal is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that aims to serve as an effective tool for the researchers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and public institutions working on the fields of health and urbanisation to share their scientific assessments, research findings and analyses.

Scientific studies that enable points intersecting between the two different disciplines of city and health to be analysed on a joint platform. Study and research conclusions on topics such as city health emergencies, local preparedness against health emergencies, city health development plan, social participation, health impact evaluation, poverty, social determinants of health, social services, sustainable development, transportation, environment and health, city management and city planning shall be taken into assessment to be used in the journal.

Each paper submitted to City Health Journal is initially assessed by editor. Afterwards, the peer review process commences for the selected papers. Double-blind review hiding names of authors is utilised during the reviewing process for the papers submitted to City Health Journal.  Papers may be submitted electronically by using the below link on the website of the journal. There is no application or publishing fee for submitting your paper. Authors have to present their ORCID numbers during application.

Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2025): CHJ- Vol-5 No-1
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